SOCIB participated in the Workshop on Interoperability Technologies and Best Practices in Environmental Monitoring

SOCIB members (Eva Alou and John Allen) presented the delayed mode calibration routine of oxygen data from glider platforms at the Workshop on Interoperability Technologies and Best Practices in Environmental Monitoring, Brest (France), 10-12 October 2018. The workshop was promoted by the Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories (JERICO-RI), the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory European Research Infrastructure Consortium (EMSO ERIC) and the Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing Systems (AtlantOS) and organized by Ifremer, HCMR, OGS, HZG, GeoMar, CNRS and UPC.

This 3-day workshop was addressed to the scientific community to increase the level of marine observation practices and focused on:

  1. Sensor Web Enablement implementation
  2. Cable coastal observatories operations
  3. Metrology of dissolved oxygen, pCO2 and pH in the marine environment
  4. Dissolved oxygen and temperature: seafloor and water column data, from sensor to users.

The workshop brought together participants from EU Coastal and Open Sea Observatories, organizations and networks and brought the opportunity for SOCIB to introduce the ongoing work on delayed mode calibration of oxygen data from glider platforms and exchange information on Best Practices for sensors, metrology and data processing. These exchanges facilitated a perfect reference for future collaborations. 

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