netcdf dep0001_drifter-hereon008_ime-hereon008_L0_2023-04-27 {
	time = UNLIMITED ; // (7703 currently)
	name_strlen = 34 ;
	char trajectory(name_strlen) ;
		trajectory:cf_role = "trajectory_id" ;
	double time(time) ;
		time:standard_name = "time" ;
		time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
		time:axis = "T" ;
		time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
	double DEPTH ;
		DEPTH:standard_name = "depth" ;
		DEPTH:units = "m" ;
		DEPTH:positive = "down" ;
		DEPTH:axis = "Z" ;
		DEPTH:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double LAT(time) ;
		LAT:standard_name = "latitude" ;
		LAT:units = "degree_north" ;
		LAT:axis = "Y" ;
		LAT:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double LON(time) ;
		LON:standard_name = "longitude" ;
		LON:units = "degree_east" ;
		LON:axis = "X" ;
		LON:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double PLAT_SPEED_GR(time) ;
		PLAT_SPEED_GR:standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_ground" ;
		PLAT_SPEED_GR:units = "m s-1" ;
		PLAT_SPEED_GR:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		PLAT_SPEED_GR:original_units = "m s-1" ;
		PLAT_SPEED_GR:observation_type = "measured" ;
		PLAT_SPEED_GR:precision = "0.0001" ;
	double PLAT_COURSE(time) ;
		PLAT_COURSE:standard_name = "platform_course" ;
		PLAT_COURSE:units = "degree" ;
		PLAT_COURSE:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		PLAT_COURSE:original_units = "degree" ;
		PLAT_COURSE:observation_type = "measured" ;
		PLAT_COURSE:precision = "0.0001" ;
	double BAT_STATUS(time) ;
		BAT_STATUS:long_name = "battery_status" ;
		BAT_STATUS:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		BAT_STATUS:observation_type = "measured" ;
		BAT_STATUS:precision = "1" ;
		BAT_STATUS:comment = "Transform Battery_Status variable \'GOOD\' and \'LOW\' values to 1 and 0 respectively" ;

// global attributes:
		:title = "Data from instrument IME-HEREON008 on platform Drifter HEREON008" ;
		:institution = "IMEDEA (Instituto MEDiterráneo de Estudios Avanzados)" ;
		:netcdf_version = 3. ;
		:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
		:abstract = "Deployment of IME-HEREON008 in FaSt-SWOT campaign. \n",
			"FaSt-SWOT consists of two multi-platform experiments conducted to validate the first observations from the SWOT satellite mission in the Balearic Sea. The field-work combines gliders, drifter observations, ship data (CTD, ADCP and a moving vessel profiler), HF radar, and mooring data together with satellite observations and numerical simulations. The PIs are Ananda Pascual (IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Spain) and Baptiste Mourre (SOCIB, Spain).\n",
The drifters were designed and built at Hereon to follow the upper surface flow (upper ~ 50 cm). These Hereon drifter consist of a 20 cm x 7.5 cm long tube, with a floatation ring. Furthermore, a drogue of 35 cm in both length and diameter is attached, via a flexible cord, in a distance of 20 cm to the tube. When deployed about 5 cm. The instrument acquires and reports the GPS position via a global satellite network in near real time.
" ; :summary = "Deployment of IME-HEREON008 in FaSt-SWOT campaign. \n", "FaSt-SWOT consists of two multi-platform experiments conducted to validate the first observations from the SWOT satellite mission in the Balearic Sea. The field-work combines gliders, drifter observations, ship data (CTD, ADCP and a moving vessel profiler), HF radar, and mooring data together with satellite observations and numerical simulations. The PIs are Ananda Pascual (IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Spain) and Baptiste Mourre (SOCIB, Spain).\n", "
The drifters were designed and built at Hereon to follow the upper surface flow (upper ~ 50 cm). These Hereon drifter consist of a 20 cm x 7.5 cm long tube, with a floatation ring. Furthermore, a drogue of 35 cm in both length and diameter is attached, via a flexible cord, in a distance of 20 cm to the tube. When deployed about 5 cm. The instrument acquires and reports the GPS position via a global satellite network in near real time.
" ; :comment = "The drifters were designed and built at Hereon to follow the upper surface flow (upper ~ 50 cm). These Hereon drifter consist of a 20 cm x 7.5 cm long tube, with a floatation ring. Furthermore, a drogue of 35 cm in both length and diameter is attached, via a flexible cord, in a distance of 20 cm to the tube. When deployed about 5 cm. The instrument acquires and reports the GPS position via a global satellite network in near real time." ; :date_created = "2023-04-28T05:50:21+00:00" ; :date_update = "2023-05-27T09:20:31+00:00" ; :date_modified = "2023-05-27T09:20:31+00:00" ; :cdm_data_type = "Trajectory" ; :CF\:featureType = "trajectory" ; :featureType = "trajectory" ; :data_mode = "R" ; :processing_level = "L0 - Raw data calibrated" ; :instrument_serial = "D-285" ; :id = "467_886_2023-04-28T05:50:21+00:00" ; :platform_code = "467" ; :instrument_code = "886" ; :keywords_vocabulary = "" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "" ; :geospatial_lat_min = 39.70695 ; :geospatial_lat_max = 40.32795 ; :geospatial_lon_min = 1.3616 ; :geospatial_lon_max = 2.71723 ; :geospatial_vertical_min = 0.55 ; :geospatial_vertical_max = 0.55 ; :geospatial_lat_units = "degree_north" ; :geospatial_lon_units = "degree_east" ; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m" ; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "down" ; :installation_depth = "0.55" ; :installation_depth_units = "m" ; :installation_depth_positive = "down" ; :installation_depth_axis = "Z" ; :installation_depth_reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ; :time_coverage_start = "2023-04-27T23:20:46+00:00" ; :time_coverage_end = "2023-05-27T09:10:25+00:00" ; :time_coverage_duration = "P0Y0M29DT9H49M39.000S" ; :time_coverage_resolution = "P0Y0M0DT0H0M0.000S" ; :history = "2023-05-27T09:20:31+00:00 {\"app\":\"Processing application\",\"executionMode\":\"REAL_TIME\",\"comment\":\"\",\"parameters\":\"-em REAL_TIME\",\"version\":\"5.4.5\",\"timestamp\":\"2023-05-27T09:20:31+00:00\"}" ; :data_center = "SOCIB Data Center" ; :data_center_email = "" ; :institution_references = "" ; :principal_investigator = "Ananda Pascual, Baptiste Mourre" ; :principal_investigator_email = "," ; :project = "Fine-Scale ocean currents from integrated multi-platform experiments and numerical simulations: contribution to the new SWOT satellite mission (FaSt-SWOT)" ; :author = "IMEDEA, SOCIB" ; :author_email = "," ; :creator_name = "IMEDEA, SOCIB" ; :creator_url = "," ; :creator_email = "," ; :contributor_name = "Emma Reyes, Daniel R. Tarry, Laura Gómez-Navarro, Irene Lizarán, Lara Díaz-Barroso, Juan Gabriel Fernández, Juan Miguel Villoria, Benjamin Casas, Eugenio Cutolo, Elisabet Verger, Bàrbara Barceló-Llull, Pere Rosselló" ; :contributor_role = "ProjectMember, Researcher, ProjectMember, DataCollector, DataCollector, DataManager, DataCurator, ProjectMember, ProjectMember, DeploymentOperator, ProjectMember, ProjectMember" ; :publisher_name = "SOCIB" ; :publisher_url = "" ; :publisher_email = "" ; :manufacture_name = "HEREON" ; :instrument_model = "Hereon Drifter V2" ; :distribution_statement = "Approved for public release. Distribution Unlimited." ; :license = "Approved for public release. Distribution Unlimited." ; :citation = "Balearic Island Coastal and Observing Forecasting System." ; :acknowledgement = "The FaSt-SWOT project is funded by the Spanish Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund (AEI/FEDER, UE) under Grant Agreement (PID2021-122417NB-I00). We express our gratitude to the EuroSea project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862626. The present research is conducted within the framework of the activities of the Spanish Government through the \"María de Maeztu Centre of Excellence\" accreditation to IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) (CEX2021-001198)." ; :update_interval = "every 3600 seconds" ; }